2014 Survey

Post-Conference Survey: Share Your Feedback is now closed

First of all, HUGE THANKS to all of you, dear REALIZE! 2014 conference participants, for sharing your feedback with us. You suggestions and ideas are invaluable and will be taken into consideration when planning REALIZE! 2015.

In February-March 2014, English Online conducted REALIZE! 2014 Participant Feedback Survey to collect participant experiences  and pinpoint areas for improvement for future events.  The Survey was published and sent out to all registered participants within a week after the Conference.

 Figure 1. Participant Feedback survey. Question 2. In which province are you located?
Location _no brd

Two hundred and eight (208) respondents completed Participant Feedback Survey as of March 31, 2014. We had participants form across Canada and even abroad (3.8%) taking part in this learning event (Fig.1).

The majority of respondents attended the conference for personal and professional development (84.1%). They enjoyed the content (53.3%) and the novelty of online national conference (27.4%).  It was great to see that many participants attended conference sessions as part of their internal organizational PD event (30.7%)

Remarkably, 11% of respondents attended 6 or more sessions (difficult to imagine attending 6 sessions at a face-to-face conference!). Most conference participants (71.5%) attended between two to five sessions.

Figure 2. Participant Feedback survey. Question 7. Please rate the following aspects of the conference.


  1=Very Satisfied, 2= Satisfied, 3= Neutral, 4=Dissatisfied, 5=Very Dissatisfied, 6=Not Applicable


Participants expressed their satisfaction with following aspects of the conference (Fig.2):

  1. Registration process (91%)
  2. Length of workshops (89%)
  3. Diversity of workshop topics (82%)
  4. Relevance of workshop content to work (80%)
  5. Length of the conference 78(%)

For many participants, attending this online conference was a first time experience (56.7%). It was fascinating to see that 88.9% of respondents would recommend this event to others.

The vast majority of respondents  admitted that REALIZE! 2014 Conference succeeded in achieving the following goals:

  • Reduced a sense of geographical and professional isolation faced by teachers in remote areas (89%)
  • Provided great possibilities for sharing and dissemination of best practices across Canada (83%)
  • Offered great learning opportunities for novice EAL/ESL teachers (74%)
  • Helped participants to better understand the use of technology and Web 2.0 Tools for education (61%)

Respondents also shared their reflections on what they enjoyed the most about the REALIZE! 2014 Conference.  See the slideshow depicting some of the testimonials.

REALIZE! 2014 National Online Conference was a pilot project implemented by a national team of #passionatti (people with passionate attitude). We thank everyone who was involved in the planning, support and moderation of the event and look forward to REALIZE! 2015!

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