The second annual REALIZE! Forum  that took place on January 23rd – January 24th, 2015 was a celebration of sharing, learning and collaborating on best practices in EAL/ESL .

As of the day of the Forum, we had 797 participants registered. The anticipation was rising after the Welcome message by Mr. Yves Saint-Germain attended by 138 ESL professionals from across Canada. Friday Keynote Address by Paul Holmes was simultaneously viewed by 265 ESL professionals on English Online Google+ page and YouTube channel. On Saturday, 155 participants joined us live on Google + and YouTube  to watch Nikos Theodosakis talking about projects that matter and engage in invigorating discussion on Twitter and Google +.

To trace impressions and highlights of the REALIZE! 2015 Forum, please have a look at Storify Forum Tweets Day 1 and Day 2.

 A Team Effort

REALIZE! Team would like to thank everyone for contributing to this event.

We thank our Funder for approving the 2nd REALIZE! event.

We thank our REALIZE! Advisory Committee for their support and advice in the long path of putting the Forum together.

We thank our talented team of 48 presenters who delivered 34 presentations on vast variety of current topics in EAL/ESL teaching.

We thank our volunteer moderators who stayed behind the scenes but played an essential role in successful run of the sessions.

And finally, we thank all the participants for engaging in vibrant and productive dialogue around the front line questions of TESL environment.


This project was funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada from 2013 to 2015.
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada

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