English Online had a great guest speaker this Fall!
About the webinar Guest Speaker
John Allan develops blended learning opportunities as he instructs. He is an active member of the TESL Ontario Social Media Committee. He is also a TESL Ontario blogger and is a regular facilitator of technology professional development workshops for TESL organizations. John is currently teaching in an EFL program in Qatar and shares his unique experience with us.
This presentation shows participants how to use freely available video manipulation tools for teaching and training purposes. It covers the fundamentals of TubeChop, Vibby, EdPuzzle, Ted Ed Lessons, ESL Videos to create focused, interactive and more engaging learning objects. We explore the advantages of each tool. Finally, the participants receive a “How To” guide to use each of these tools. Feel free to share these materials and John’s article written below with other instructors to help them with their video preparation. Thanks!
TubeChop allows you to easily crop any YouTube video and share it. Cropping simply means setting a new starting point and ending point for the video to make it shorter for focused student viewing. The lazy teacher clip demonstrates a video where the branding and the credits of the video are hidden from the students. The basic steps of using TubeChop are to find a video, crop the video and then share it or embed it in a web page or learning management system.
Vibby is a resource that is similar to TubeChop except the teacher can set many sections of the video rather than just the start and end points. This tool allows you to show a full-length movie in a digest format so you can focus on what is important. The example from the Slo Mo Guys displays a few segments of jelly tennis. Only the action sequences are selected for the most exciting effect.
Ted Ed Lessons provide the tools to create custom lessons that wrap around a video. Learning event sections include Think, Dig Deeper, Discuss, and And Finally. Think includes the standard multiple choice and open-ended questions. Dig Deeper contains additional information, hyperlinks to additional resources, images, videos and animations. The Discuss section functions as a normal online forum. The And Finally section allows instructors to prompt further explorative learning. The lesson on Confucius is a good example of a Ted Ed Lesson.
EdPuzzle is an innovative tool that that allows teachers to add questions and comments based on a chosen YouTube video. It provides intuitive tools for teachers to add multiple choice and open-ended questions based on video content. Other features include cropping a video and inserting image or audio comments appear in image, text or audio format. The inflight safety video provides an example of the possibilities of using EdPuzzle.
Zaption is a free tool that allows you to quickly and easily create custom lessons with a video. The learning events it provides include: multiple-choice questions open ended questions, forum discussions, text/media comments, and hyperlinks. The unique presentation of Zaption allows these elements to appear as overlays or video slide outs. The presentation is contemporary which draws the students in and allows them to engage with the content. The airline passenger safety video demonstrates most of the features of Zaption.
Examples: TubeChop Vibby Ted Ed Lessons EdPuzzle Zaption
To read the following slide full-screen please click on the arrow button in the right bottom corner of the slide.
See you online soon!
Tatiana Nedelko
e-Volunteer Coordinator
English Online Inc.