May 2014 Webinar – Self-Discovery and Language Learning in the ESL Literacy Classroom

Session 1. Self-Discovery and Language Learning in the ESL Literacy Classroom

We have joined Svetlana Lupasco to explore reflective learning and teaching in the adult ESL literacy classroom including principles of adult learning theory, teaching to the strengths and confidence building, introducing portfolios and blended learning as well as some ideas on collaborative professional development and teacher autonomy. Participants of this session enjoyed a tour to an inviting classroom full of creative ideas, engaging activities, and happy students. They walked out inspired with a bunch of useful links to refer to at their own time. Svetlana also prepared a list of questions for ESL Literacy instructors to ask themselves and help them better understand the nature of teaching and learning in literacy environment.

Session Resources:

Presentation Slides: Self-Discovery and Language Learning in ESL Literacy Classroom

Learning for LIFE: an ESL Literacy Handbook

Svetlana Lupasco’s Blog for Teachers

Cuisenaire Rods Video Tutorial 1

Cuisenaire Rods Video Tutorial 2

Quizlet: for creating your own flashcards

Straight Up English – Teaching Word-Stress with rubber bands

Color Vowel Chart

Open Clip Art

ESL Literacy Readers

New Reader’s Bookstore

Ms Lana’s Literacy: a blog for learners

About Presenter

Svetlana Lupasco is an experienced adult ESL practitioner from Toronto with a special interest in Best Practices in Adult ESL Literacy, Learners with Interrupted Formal Education and teacher development. She enjoys being a connected educator by blogging, tweeting, sharing ideas and materials, collaborating with ESL practitioners across Canada and the globe. Svetlana is currently employed as an ESL Literacy Instructor at Foundation and Phase 1/2 and is a volunteer member at large at TESL Toronto affiliate chapter.

Session 2. REALIZE 15: Tune In!

In this 30 minute session, English Online team reflected on the experience of Realize 2014 and shared news, plans and timelines for the Realize 2015 National Online Forum. English Online strives to make this event a memorable professional development experience. Therefore, we count on your input. Watch the session recording and tune in to REALIZE 2015 National Online Forum for EAL/ESL practitioners.