February Webinar – Current Approaches to Teaching Pronunciation

Our last webinar on Current Approaches to Teaching Pronunciation held on March 1st, 2014 showed a robust intererst of ESL/EAL instructors in the topic. In this two-hour workshop we discussed what concerns and challenges teachers have in their search of effective method for teaching pronunciation as well as learned new ideas and techniques.

Session 1. Pronunciation At a Glance

In this session, together with Judy Thompson we looked at teaching Pronunciation from a different perspective. Judy introduced her approach by separating English writing from speaking. She represented English Vowels Chart where participants could see how the names of 16 common colours in English render 16 vowel sounds of English. Judy’s methods raised  a lot of interest and vigorous discussion. You can find the recording below along with useful links and resources related to the session.

Resources for the session:

Pronunciation at a Glance: Presentation Slides

Listening and Speaking Skills Template

Flashcard Words List

Thompson Vowel Chart

Thompson Language Center Website

Free English Phonetic Alphabet Wiki Page

Judy Thompson’ Speech at TEDx


Session 2. Effective Pronunciation Instruction Using English Accent Coach

Ron Thomson  provided the audience  with a wide range beliefs and  practices taken from current pronunciation teaching materials, as well as results of survey responses of ESL/EAL instructors. We also had an overview of  English Accent Coach, a free online tool for improving  English learners’ ability to perceive and produce English vowels and consonants. The session was very engaging and generated constructive dialogue among attendees.

 Resources for the session:

Effective Pronunciation Instruction Using English Accent Coach: Presentation Slides

English Accent Coach Website

IPA Writer Online Tool


Webinar Chat

Tutela Thread for questions and comments


About Presenters

Judy Thompson is an internationally recognized TEDx speaker, author and teacher. Her energetic and innovative presentations inform, entertain and empower educators with simple tools for pronunciation. Participants say they love to use on Monday the techniques they learned on Saturday.

To the amazement of her children, Judy has waxed electronic. After working for Trend School in Brazil in 2012, Judy continues to teach executives online. She is currently working with gamers to develop Win a Word in the field of Edutainment.

Ron Thomson is an Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Linguistics at Brock University, where he teaches courses in phonetics and phonology as well as how to teach second language listening and speaking.  He has previously taught EFL/ESL in Asia, the Middle East and Canada.  He is also the creator of English Accent Coach, a web-based tool that helps learners improve their English pronunciation.