Popular Language Learning Websites

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EAL/ESL teachers spend hours preparing for the class: we look for relevant materials, design engaging activities, create handouts to meet our learners’ needs and to make our lessons effective and efficient. No doubt, EAL teachers must use all of the help they can get!

You can find dozens of excellent resources for EAL teachers and learners online: from full-service language learning websites to EAL/ESL communities like Tutela, created to make your exciting EAL/ESL teaching journey a little bit easier.

Some of these websites contain numerous activities covering all aspects of language learning (listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, etc.), for example, English learning sections of BBC or British Council websites. While others focus on polishing a particular skill, e.g. Business Letter Punch will help your learners to improve their formal letter writing skills.

With the help of online resources you can add a new exciting dimension to your classroom.

Watch together!

Video is a powerful tool to spark engaged discussions, it is fun, it is super motivating … and it’s an excellent way to add ‘authenticity’ to your lessons. Have you heard of EnglishCentral? The core of English Central is their media player with embedded scaffolding tools: learners can watch videos, learn new vocabulary in-content of the video, and then speak using the video as a model!

FYI:  David Deubelbeiss, Director of Education at EnglishCentral delivers weekly introduction to EnglishCentral webinars. So if you want to learn more about this website, register for the upcoming event.

Sing along!

Do you want to practice listening comprehension, or to introduce new vocabulary, or to explain a tricky grammar structure in a fun and interactive way? Then Lyrics Training is for you: it allows you to read and listen to the lyrics from music videos and fill in missing words in the lyrics as they go along.

Besides websites for language learners I’d like to mention resources for language teachers where you can find ready-to-go activities, EAL/ESL games, worksheets and even lesson plans: CBC Manitoba EAL Lessons, English To Go, Dave’s ESL Café, ESL Flow, Busy Teacher … the list can go on and on. You can find more links in the webinar handout and in Teaching with Technology group on Tutela.ca.

Bonus: Quizlet! It does not relate to language teaching/learning directly, but this website can make your (or your learners’) life much easier. It’s an online tool to create digital flashcard sets, quizzes and games! Introducing/learning new vocabulary, creating post-reading/post-listening extension activities is as easy as a mouse click!

Happy exploring!

Thank you and see you online!