Exciting Volunteer Opportunity for EAL/ESL Professionals!

English Online is planning for the National Online Conference for EAL/ESL Professionals to take place in January 2014, and we need Advisory Committee members. The National Online Conference Advisory Committee (NOCAC) will be created to help plan and support the event. We are looking for candidates to fill volunteer positions for the Advisory Committee.


The National Online Conference Advisory Committee (NOCAC) is created by English Online Inc. and provides assistance in planning, organizing and delivering the conference, including development of the conference agenda, content, promoting the event and moderating online sessions.


The NOCAC will include EAL/ESL community members with reach and scope in their professional communities and those with experience in planning /organizing or assisting with conferences. The committee will be comprised of between 13 to 16 volunteer members. Three (3) of these members will be from English Online Inc.

Selection Process

The Committee members will be selected by English Online representatives and appointed for a term of the project which expires March 31, 2014.

The Committee members are EAL/ESL/LINC instructors and/or program administrators/coordinators that are involved in the direct delivery of language training and settlement services to newcomers.

Selection Guidelines

  • Candidates who have demonstrated creativity and leadership in their practices, community or organization
  • Candidates who have illustrated an exceptional commitment to serving the needs of EAL/ESL community and/or newcomers
  • Candidates who possess a deep knowledge of the professional needs of the EAL/ESL community in Canada and/or in their particular region
  • Candidates who have knowledge and experience in organizing or volunteering for professional development events
  • Experience with web 2.0 tools and strong presence in their professional network would be considerate an asset

Committee Members are responsible for:

  • providing support in planning and preparation for National Online Conference
  • reviewing preliminary results of the initial Community Survey
  • providing informed input on conference theme(s), program, prospective keynote speakers/presenters, selection criteria for submitted presentation proposals, marketing strategies/materials and activities
  • providing information and recommendations on items of concern
  • providing local knowledge, relevant background and expertise
  • keeping EAL/ESL community members Informed about National Online Conference (in their geographic areas and organizations)
  • participating in training sessions on how to use web-conferencing tools and moderate online session
  • moderating online sessions on the day of the conference
  • discussing Feedback Survey and making recommendation for future conferences


Selection will be based on creating a balanced committee for geographic representation, subject matter expertise, event planning experience and overall knowledge of ESL/EAL contexts. All candidates will be reviewed based on the selection guidelines, and those selected will be contacted for further discussion.

For more information about the project and NOCAC membership and commitment, please review the NOCAC_Terms of Reference document.


Application Process

Term: July 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014

Please submit a short cover letter detailing your relevant experience and updated resume before 8:00 a.m. on June 17, 2013, via email to gcochrane@myenglishonline.ca with a subject line “NOCAC Application 2013”. You will receive an email notification to confirm your application has been received.

We will be contacting successful candidates starting the week of June 24th. Thank you very much for your interest!

(For a pdf file of the job description Click Here)